Hybrid AI Search 1 - how to build fast embedding service

Hybrid AI Search 1 - how to build fast embedding service

Why Not use openai embedding API

Memfree initially used the openai embedding API, which is very easy to use, and the latest text-embedding-3-large model also supports custom dimensions. The only problem is latency. Even for very short inputs, the openai API latency takes 100 to 200 milliseconds.

When you only need to build vector indexes and search services, a latency of more than 100 milliseconds is acceptable. However, when you need a rerank service, a latency of several hundred milliseconds is unacceptable, because the Internet search engine before rerank takes 500 to 1000 milliseconds.

The process of Hybrid AI search is as follows:

  1. Search: Get answers to user questions from Internet search engines and vectorized databases in parallel
  2. Rerank: Sort all relevant contexts according to user similarity and provide the most similar top contexts to LLM
  3. Answer: LLM gives the most accurate answer possible based on the context of the search

We hope that the latency of rerank is within tens of milliseconds, so the latency of a single embedding needs to be around a few milliseconds, because the input of rerank is more than 10 vectors.

How to build fast local embedding service

1 First Try fastembed-js

I have tested the rust version of the fastembed library before, and I know that I can achieve a few milliseconds of latency. But my entire project is currently built on TS. So I first tried the js version of fastembed https://github.com/Anush008/fastembed-js

The results are in line with my theoretical expectations. Fastembed-js takes more than 40 milliseconds to embed once.

2. Try fastembed-rs WASM

So I can only choose the rust version of fastembed: https://github.com/Anush008/fastembed-rs. There are two ways to integrate the rust version of the code with my TS project: WASM and local HTTP service

But when I compiled fastembed-rs into WASM version, I encountered many compilation errors, so I temporarily gave up the WASM method.

3. fastembed-rs local HTTP service

Finally, I built a simple embedding service based on fastembed-rs and axum. The core code is only a few dozen lines, and a single embedding takes only a few milliseconds.

async fn embed_handler(
    Extension(model): Extension<Arc<TextEmbedding>>,
    Json(payload): Json<EmbedRequest>
) -> Result<Json<EmbedResponse>, String> {
    match model.embed(payload.documents, None) {
        Ok(embeddings) => {
            Ok(Json(EmbedResponse {
        Err(err) => Err(format!("Failed to generate embeddings: {}", err)),
async fn main() -> Result<()> {
    let model = TextEmbedding::try_new(InitOptions {
    model_name: EmbeddingModel::AllMiniLML6V2,
    show_download_progress: true,
    let model = Arc::new(model);
    let app = Router::new()
        .route("/embed", post(embed_handler))
        .route("/rerank", post(rerank_handler))
    let addr = SocketAddr::from(([127, 0, 0, 1], 3003));
    println!("Listening on http://{}", addr);

The complete code is now open source: https://github.com/memfreeme/memfree

4. How to choose embedding model

The key points of choosing an embedding model: accuracy, model memory usage and calculation speed, dimension size, and multi-language support.

After testing and trade off these points, I finally chose the sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2 model supported by fastembed.

Welcome to star, All code for the entire project has been open source


Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or feedback!